One year with post-viral symptoms

ayurveda for post viral fatigue

One Year With Post-Viral Symptoms

What’s helped me heal from Long Covid

The Habit Ayurveda


January 26th

marked one year of my life with post-viral syndrome - otherwise known as long-haul / post-covid syndrome.


As a formerly (self-appointed) thriving human who thought she was “doing everything right”, I’m on a mission to share my experience of chronic illness.

The bad and unexpectedly good moments,
the dark and the absolutely enlightening moments.

In upcoming emails I’m sharing the exact tools, supplements, tests and conversations with practitioners, therapists and loved ones that brought me out the other side of the last year feeling…

… maybe…

even better than I did going into it.​
(despite still having some physical symptoms)

Post-viral illness (be it from Lyme, Epstein Barr, Covid or any number of other viruses) can include a myriad of symptoms. It’s important to note that post-viral illness can arise even after the common flu.

Looking for simple tools to bring you back to balance?


My symptoms through the year have included:

  • chronic fatigue

  • shortness of breath

  • low immunity (chronic "ill" feeling)

  • tachycardia (racing heart)

  • numbness in left side of mouth, left arm, left leg

  • insomnia

  • dysautonomia (nervous system tremors)

  • panic attacks

  • onset of allergies (histamine intolerance)

  • menstrual cycle irregularity

  • brain fog

  • multiple chemical sensitivity

and I’m going to dive into all of it, sharing what’s helped, what’s hindered, and what’s been a surprise as I walk the healing path. PLUS, I want to share the stories of our community too (please respond to any and all of these emails with your stories).

I’m gathering and sharing these stories because Post-viral Syndrome is most commonly treated like Chronic Fatigue (ME/CFS)... which our health system provides very little support for

(which isn’t to knock docs - they’re often doing the best they can in the system they’re in).

This series is meant to support anyone who's going through long haul (or any other chronic illness), has a loved one who is,

or anyone who just wants to hear a story with a pretty happy ending around chronic illness.

My next article is going to be about the subtle symptoms of chronic illness I had BEFORE I got the virus that tipped me overboard. Be sure to get on the list to hear all about it.

There’s so much content in the media about comorbidities like diabetes, obesity, heart disease as precursors to long-haul syndrome. I didn’t have any of these things, BUT there were definitely some red flags I was ignoring.

I’d love to hear from you if you're open to sharing - if you or someone you know is experiencing post-viral syndrome, what are the symptoms, and were there more subtle versions of these symptoms already happening before the virus? Hop into the comments or join my email list and reply back to my emails, I’d love to hear your story.

To helping each other heal in 2023,

Carly at The Habit Ayurveda

p.s - I ask for your respect in not commenting to ask about my vaccine status. There are hundreds of thousands of people managing post-viral symptoms, many vaccinated, many not. This series isn't about that. It's about helping people. Let’s just focus on helping :).